HomeOTHER TOPICSTrashing the IVGID Quarterly


Trashing the IVGID Quarterly — 7 Comments

  1. You just lost me as an advocate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with publishing the magazine. It provides an excellent source of upcoming programs and available resources. You can pettifog all you want about it not being specifically authorized by statute but I think it is a nice resource.

    • The content could be put on a website without advertising. And it could be printable – at your home. When you say, “There is nothing wrong” – you have not read the entire article. All eight points.
      This website provides a forum for opinions- including those that disagree with the articles published. It is run by resident volunteers, who have NO outside funding.

      The magazine publishes, at taxpayer expense, NO viewpoints other than IVGID’s. It would not even run our advertisement. Ad

  2. I like the IVGID quarterly, but I believe it shouldn’t cost the IVGID in that $46,000 is taken in from the various ads. If anything IVGID should be reimbursed as well as receive 10% from the ads for printing the Quarterly to cover employee’s time. ‘

  3. IVGID should not be in the magazine business! The information should be on their web site or available at different IVGID locations like the Rec Center on perhaps a bulletin board.

  4. After being trashed by former Chairman Callicarate in an issue of the “quarterly” as a malcontent, I expressed my anger to our GM who admitted that the comments by Callicrate were wrong, but denied me print space to respond. This episode was a clear violation of my 1st Amendment rights by a public entity.

  5. Fundamentally, I do not want my IVGID fees going to support printing of a quarterly or 5 times a year magazine. I agree a website is much more practical, easier to access, especially if formated for smart phones, it’s easier to keep up-to-date and easier to ‘pubish’ opinions, up-coming events, issues, arguements pro & con. Ads can be sold on a website as well. I think the question is, can the magazine or website be a self sustaining, done without funding from IVGID? Given the amount of adds and self promotion in it, if it can’t then I as a property owner, do not want to fund it.

    • Thank you for your perspective. Currently IVGID staff time is not tracked, including time spent on working on content for the magazine. The exception a few positions that are “billed” such as engineering. If the staff costs (salaries plus benefits) were logged/tracked/monitored, the results might really be eye-opening. The Tourism Bureau for Nevada produces a magazine, and tracks all its costs and expenses for the magazine in a separate fund. It does not make money.