Q) Why are we lining the drainage ditches with rocks? There is no parking.

A) This is a Washoe County project. It probably has to do with water clarity but darned if we know. IVGID Trustee Phil Horan is also on the Washoe County Planning Commission. Perhaps you can contact him and request an answer. Horan_trustee@ivgid.org 775-544-6561

Q) Why weren’t there public meetings with Washoe County regarding roads and drainage construction?

A) We are only studying IVGID but believe Washoe County has public meetings with its Commissioners. Visit their website at: https://www.washoecounty.us/parks/planning_and_development/public_meetings.php                                                                                                   You can also learn more about our Washoe County Commissioners at:   https://www.washoecounty.us/bcc/

Q) How can this community give better input and control to issues other than IVGID?

A) Depending upon the issues and concerns, you can directly contact the North Lake Tahoe Fire District, Washoe County Sheriff Department; Washoe County Commissioners; Washoe County Planning Commission; Washoe County Board of Equalization; Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA); U S Forest Service; Nevada State Assembly and Senate; Governor, Office of the Attorney General, State Treasurer and Controller. You can also contact IVGID Trustees and request their guidance in finding other sources or contacts with outside agencies.