HomeOTHER TOPICSIVGID General Manager quits after three months


IVGID General Manager quits after three months — 2 Comments

  1. Oh, so Sheila Leijon was doing other work to benefit a different nonprofit on IVGID’s time and using IVGID’s equipment and systems. That’s not quite the excuse for her resignation that’s floating around local social media, is it?

    • Performing activities for another organization while “on government time” appears to be a violation of Nevada ethics law. Conflict of interest. It’s just not appropriate.

      Here is how the federal government defines personal and official capacity:
      “Personal capacity” means an individual is not acting on behalf of the Government. The individual is acting on their own time and using their own resources.
      “Official capacity” means the individual is carrying out their official duties and acting on behalf of the Government, typically their Bureau/Office or the Department. The individual is acting on Government time, using Federal resources.