HomeOTHER TOPICSThe HUNT for a reason to recall Trustee Matt Dent


The HUNT for a reason to recall Trustee Matt Dent — 6 Comments

  1. Hear Hear! To All Those Complainants: GET INVOLVED
    Yourselves (rather than trying to complain or finding out if said complaints are valid) and if you did try and weren’t voted in I say: Sour Grapes. (and don’t give up – try again!)

  2. Trustee Dent was included so the recall Cabal has a better chance to seize Control of the board and resume Ivgid as usual. We all know which special interests are behind this and who profits.

  3. I find it fascinating that Mr Dobler in this piece has separated himself from others who can not talk about IVGID accounting without the use of “ theft” and “ fraud”. Could it be that the hunt for thieves and frauds is finding zip. Could it be that there is no there, there ?
    Instead mr Dobler speaks of a “delapidated “system . Huge schism between theft fraud and delapidated .Prrhaps Mr Dobler is preparing us for disappointment ? Maybe the sky is not falling ? Could it be that MR Dobler is dialing back the vitriol passionateky enjoyed by the forever aggrieved ?
    An expensive forensic probe wil rock us with the finding that the IVGID accounting offices needed more staff. Any person in that department could have told us that . But what would have been the “ fun” in that ?

  4. The recall is further damaging relationships in an already fragile community. Perhaps this is what the organizers want, in order to gain yet more power and control. If you are not a realtor, golf club member or an employee of IVGID, you quickly find yourself on the outside looking in at a closed community. Very sad.

    • One of the stated goals of the recall committee is the beaches. And giving employees access even while Crystal Bay residents do not have access – neither group has access because of the Beach Deed. And there are between 800 and 1,012 employees of IVGID, which Crystal Bay has about 330 per 2020 census records.