COMMENTS from Sara Schmitz about the recall
by Sara Schmitz
Reasons NOT to Recall
Sara voted
√ To protect property rights and ensure our beaches aren’t vulnerable to lawsuits;
√ Spearheaded the robust Audit Committee where she’s been working to have accurate financial reports;
√ Initiated the effort to create and use contract templates and was tasked by the board to review contracts to protect the District;
√ Voted to approve the anonymous whistleblower process after 2 years of delay and;
√ Voted to begin the effluent pipeline project after years of delay.
She has NOT and does NOT ‘micromanage’ staff but works with the General Manager to hold staff accountable for the consistent implementation of policies.
There was NEVER a vote on a $25M grant. There was NEVER an agreement with the Foundation to complete the project that began community-oriented but was reduced to a dedicated women’s competitive gymnastics room and reduced space for youth/seniors. Without the basketball court and additional space, the community needs wouldn’t have been fulfilled. The board delivered on September 14th, 2022, the requested letter of unanimous support. On August 25th, before the meeting, the Foundation received their building permit for their gymnastics room at 1100 Ponderosa Ranch which was completed in January 2023.
Email with name, physical address and request to have your name removed from the petitions to recall Sara Schmitz and Matthew Dent.
Author Sara Schmitz is a Trustee of the Incline Village General Improvement District, and a resident, voter, and property owner of Incline Village.
Has anyone reviewed the minutes of a trustee meeting with IVGID’s bond counsel on March 26, 2001?
This discussion is 22 years old – interest rates and other factors are not the same. Not sure what you are driving at.
Minutes can be downloaded and read here: