In 1961, Washoe County passed Ordinance 97 which created the Incline Village General Improvement District, and gave it the following powers. The ordinance was amended in later years as shown – but at NO TIME were recreational services powers given to the District, only recreation facility powers. The District was created under NRS 318. See Nevada Law NRS 377A for an example of what recreational services involve. NRS 377A only applies to the smaller counties of Nevada – not Washoe County where the District is located.


Incline Village is located in unincorporated Washoe County, and is not a city or town.The District’s powers are also limited by Dillon’s Rule, which applies to local government in Nevada (with some exceptions for county government).




 The general purposes for which the district is proposed to

be formed, are:


(a) To grade and regrade and to surface and to resurface

streets, alleys and public highways, and parts thereof,

within the district, with suitable material, and to acquire

street and alley improvements necessary and incidental thereto.


(b) To improve streets within the district by grading

and regrading and by the construction and reconstruction of

curb, gutter and combined curb and gutter, in combination

with sidewalk or otherwise, and to acquire improvements

necessary and incidental to the foregoing improvements, including,

without limiting the generality thereof, drains,

·catch basins, valley gutters, driveway inlets and the removal

of existing improvements.


(c) To construct, reconstruct, replace or extend sidewalks,

adjacent to or in combination with curb and gutter

or otherwise, within the district, and to acquire improvements

necessary and incidental thereto.


(d) To construct, reconstruct, replace or extend storm

-sewer and other drainage facilities and improvements necessary

and incidental thereto within the district, including,

without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the laying

of pipes and the erection of catch basins, drains, and necessary

inlets and outlets.


(e) To construct, reconstruct, improve, extend or better

the sanitary sewer system or any part thereof, including

without limiting. the generality of the foregoing, mains,

laterals, wyes, tees, meters and collection, treatment and

disposal plants.


(f) To sell any product or byproduct thereof and acquire

the appropriate outlets within or without the district and to

extend the sewer lines of the district thereto.


(g) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend

or better a works, system or facilities for the supply,

storage and distribution of water for private and public



(h) To operate, maintain and repair the improvements

acquired by the district.


FEBRUARY 5, 1964

lo County Ordinance 97, Section 3, is hereby amended to add the

following powers to the Incline Village General Improvement District:


(i) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve,

extend or better a works, system or facilities for

lighting public streets, ways and places, or contract

for providing such facilities and the electrical current

necessary therefor, or such current, with any public

utility serving the district, at uniform rates and

charges established for the utility operator.

disposal of garbage and refuse, and to own and operate

equipment for the collection and disposal of, and collect

and dispose of, garbage and refuse, or to contract for

the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse from

within the district.


OCTOBER 5, 1965

1. County Ordinance 97, Section 3, is hereby amended

by adding. thereto a subsection (k) to read as follows:

11 (k) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve,

extend and better lands, works, systems and facilities

for public recreation. If the proposed recreational

facilities are situated within 7 miles from the boundary

of an incorporated city or unincorporated town, and if

the county in which the proposed recreational facilities

are situated has adopted a recreation plan pursuant to

Chapter 278 of NRS, the authority conferred herein by

this subsection (k) may be exercised only in conformity

with such p1an.”



APRIL 5, 1969

1. County Ordinance No. 97, Section 3, is hereby amended

by adding thereto a subsection (1) to read as follows:


1. To acquire, either by purchase, condemnation

or other legal means, all lands, rights and other

property necessary for the construction, use and

supply, operation, maintenance, repair and improvement

of the works of the district, including without

limitation, works, system, facilities or properties,

together with all parts thereof, the appurtenances

thereto, including contract rights, used and useful

primarily for the distribution of electric energy

to or for the public for any purpose, works constructed

and being constructed by private owners,

· and all other works and appurtenances, either within

or without the State of Nevada; provided that all

such tangible works of the district shall, upon acquisition

and for adequate .consideration, be transferred to and be thereafter owned and maintained by a public utility which is. regulated by the Public

Service Commission of Nevada.


[BUT THIS REGULATION WAS REMOVED in the 1970s. the PUC DOES NOT REGULATE General Improvement Districts.]


FEBRUARY 5, 1964

lo County Ordinance 97, Section 3, is hereby amended to add the

following powers to the Incline Village General Improvement District:


(i) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve,

extend or better a works, system or facilities for

lighting public streets, ways and places, or contract

for providing such facilities and the electrical current

necessary therefor, or such current, with any public

utility serving the district, at uniform rates and

charges established for the utility operator.


disposal of garbage and refuse, and to own and operate

equipment for the collection and disposal of, and collect

and dispose of, garbage and refuse, or to contract for

the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse from

within the district.