HomeFINANCIALSIVGID’s Auditor refuses to issue audit opinion


IVGID’s Auditor refuses to issue audit opinion — 13 Comments

  1. Thank you for continuing to follow this matter! I thought it had been resolved and not just moved to the right. Hopefully the Trustees will address this matter in a forthcoming BOT meeting!

    • No, the Trustees are going to send the letter from Davis Farr to the State of Nevada, even though it does not comply with NRS 354.624 requirements. Hoping the Trustees will do something is wishful thinking.

      The Local Government Finance Committee needs to be informed about the lack of audited financial statements, and Davis Farr’s Disclaimer of Audit Opinion. They are the Committee who have the power to do something.
      Their emails – change the $ to @:
      tciesynski$gmail.com ,
      jcronk$cityofsparks.us ,
      comptroller$lyon-county.org> ,
      marty$jnaconsultinggroup.com ,
      paul.johnson$wpcnvadmin.com ,
      gina.rackley$humboldtcountynv.gov ,
      ayacoben$washoecounty.gov , marywalker$gbis.com

  2. Thank you Village Alliance for continuing to keep our community apprised of the inept, incompetent, mismanaged, BOT. It is appalling that the BOT has let this situation continue. WHY? In the “real” world people would be fired for this level of incompetence.


    • It is too close to elections to make a recall worthwhile. The IVGID Board meeting is tomorrow night, March 27. The agenda item says, “Receive, Review, Discuss and File Receipt of the Incline Village
      General Improvement District’s Audited Financial Statements” – But there ARE no AUDITED Financial Statements.

      So emailing the Local Finance Committee about the Board’s incomeoetence (emails below) is the best course of action.
      Thank you for your comment.

  3. It appears evident that IVGID never was and continues to be miss-managed. It is not clear that the Trustees have stepped up as a body to fill in the void. Their current review of IVGID activities while justified is suspect because of the lack of visibility in their criteria for this review. I was not aware that the new general manager works from LA – has he ever been to Incline?

    • Yes, the GM comes to Incline for the Board meetings. But he wotks remotely. Prior to Indra Winquest, the GM was required to live in Incline. Former GM Steve Pinkerton did not really do that; he lived in California and had an apartment in Incline – his family was in California. Prior GM Indra Winquest lives in Reno. This is an issue.

  4. The writing has been on the wall for over two years! Key members of the BoT and previous Audit Committee before Chris came on board had been working on exposing this and purging the previous GM, Director of Finance and several others in IVGIDs Finance Dept who clearly did not have the competency, experience and skills needed to manage IVGID’s finance operations and capital projects. Nor did the previous management team have any idea on how to implement a new financial system. These key members of the BoT and previous Audit committee had to do this while a fighting off a “pitch fork gang” of ignorant, spiteful and naive members of the community, former employees, and the previous BoT Chairman enamored with the last GM and members of his staff. This gang felt it was more important to remove these hard working BoT members and smear their reputations versus pay attention to the train wreck they were being warned about. This delayed getting on top of this disaster and getting competent management and governance in place. I hope the community learns from the repercussions the failed recall effort and smear campaign caused, and gives the current BoT and new GM the breathing room to get this mess cleaned up. Otherwise we are in for more of the same in the years to come.

    • Calicratte, Krolick, Becker and friends basically succeeded in deflating the reform momentum.
      Their allies also neutralized Cliff Dobler and discouraged Nolet. Some people in Incline appear to have a heavy stake in the continuing corruption.

  5. This article is remarkably accurate in almost every regard. Contrary to the IVGID Audit Committee and BoT both characterizing the Davis Farr report and “audit opinion,” the audit report goes to great lengths (as the author herein notes) to make it clear that the audit was not completed and therefore they are NOT expressing an opinion on the Fiscal ’23 financial statements. Moreover, it is completely confounding that outside legal counsel tortuously concluded last night that a disclaimer of opinion is an opinion, and therefore the BoT can file the incomplete financial statements with the Nevada Department of Taxation today as “audited.” A very sad day for transparency and integrity in IVGID leadership.

    • Thank you for your comment, Chris, and serving as Chair of the Audit Committee. We have added your full 3 minute March 28 public comment below, as your words are quite clear.

      It is disburbing that Trustee Michaela Tonking asked the lawyer from BB&K regarding Nevada law requirements. Apparently, Ms. Tonking is seeking a lawyer to say some action is acceptable – when she has been plainly told the opposite. Likewise it is disturbing GM Bobby Magee keeps using the words audited financials – and Board Chair Schmitz does not correct him. This borders – and perhaps crosses the line – on malfeasance. Legal counsel from BB&K appears incompetent and unable or unwilling to understand the facts of the matter.

  6. IVGID is a disaster and not getting any better. Fraud, corruption, and malfeasance can be inferred from the Davis Farr letter. Then IVGID management (read Magee and Herron) have the audacity to lie and say, “the State accepted the IVGID’s audited financial statements”. This is an outright lie. The entirety of IVID upper management needs to be fired and replaced. But our board has no cajones, so nothing will happen. People like Mr. Johnson who said. “I can help.” do not know the first rule at IVGID. IVGID rule one: Never , never hire honest local people who actually want to make IVGID run like a clock. The only hope for IVGID is to elect a new board with folks that live here and actually care about the mess that is IVGID and make an effort to fix it. (Like firing the dead wood management and getting rid of BB&K law firm). Trustee Tonking works for a Denver based company and probably lives there and Dent is more invested in Watsonville, CA than he is in Incline Village. Board Chair Schmitz is a nice lady with kind heart, but lacks the backbone to do the heavy lifting. IVGID management and Trustees have marginalized bright people like Nolet and all but tarred and feathered CPA Dobler who have tried to set things right. Pray for a board with some cajones in 2025.